Thursday, September 18, 2008


Welcome to my world. My name is Jacki. I am a forty five year old working mother and wife. I have two beautiful and intelligent children (for real). I am married to my high school sweetheart; however, we did not attend the same high school. We dated four years and have been married for 26 years. Life's good!

I enjoy scrapbooking, reading (obsessively), and card making. I love music (good music that is). There is never enough time left in the week to get around to doing the things I enjoy most but there's always retirement. Ha! Ha!

My children are my pride and joy. Nathan is 22 and on the road to figuring out what it means to be an adult. He is handsome, charming, and talented. I call him Nate most of the time. His childhood nickname was "Nate the Great". He lives in Montgomery, Alabama. I miss hugging him. He has always been a very loving person. I believe he is on his way to becoming a fine godly man. That is my prayer for him-daily.

Emily is my 14 year old daughter. She is a "cutie pie". She enjoys music, reading, soccer, and playing trumpet in the marching band. She is smart as well. My prayer for her is the same as for Nathan, build your faith and make a difference. I've always told Emily, "don't lose your magic". She has always marched to the beat of her own drum. I like that about her!

Terry is my husband, partner, friend and lover. We have weathered the storms of life, both good and bad. Knowing him has made me a better person. I look forward to growing old with him. He works hard to provide for our family. Sometimes, I get angry because he works too much but I know his motives are pure. The biggest problem we have in our marriage is the fact he thinks he's funny. Don't get me wrong, he is funny on occasion but not has often as he thinks. I love him despite his sense of humor. We are very different but have found common ground.

I work for the local school board as an executive administrative assistant to the assistant superintendent. The job can be stressful on occasion. I work with good people with good hearts. It's a pleasant working environment.Prior to working full time, I was a stay at home mom (14 years). Once Emily entered kindergarten, I went back to school. I have worked at the school board for seven years now. I miss the time I had at home and long to be at home again someday. I don't think it was meant for me to work full time. I don't spread thin very well. Oh, well.

Nate is dating a very sweet girl. Her name is Leigh. We like her very much. She is smart and very pretty. Nate is a lucky guy. We hope the best for both she and Nate. I pray that my children find what I have found in my relationship. I know in today's society that's hard to come by.

Well, that's enough. Time for bed. We have plans to travel to Montgomery tomorrow to visit Nate and Leigh. I have anxiously awaited the trip. A mother longs to have her child in her arms no matter how old he becomes. God is good all the time.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Well i absolutely love you so so much! You have truly been such a blessing to me! You are definitely someone i look up to tremendously not just for being an awesome momma and wife but being an AMAZING Christian woman! I have grown to love you and your family more than words can ever express. :-) I look forward to reading your updates!!